Hero Light

The Hub is the single source of truth for verified links for any Telegram Token community. It contains the smart contract address and network, social media links, branding (logo, banner), custom links, and real-time market stats and data. The hub is optimized to convert visitors to token holders and comes with a built in swap and buy flow.

More information can be found here

API offering

Flooz offers a comprehensive Partners API, designed to empower partners with to seamlessly transmit token teams Telegram information and spin up hub pages on the fly. This facilitates the creation of tailored pages that accurately reflect each teams unique identity and offerings.


To request an API 🔑 key, please contact our partnerships team here

The API uses an API key for request authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access. This key will be generated by us and sent to you through a 1-password link. Please copy and store this key securely, making sure you do not expose it to third-party users.

Use this API key to programmatically access Flooz’s API by adding it to the x-access-token header of your HTTP request:

curl --location --request POST 'https://partners.flooz.xyz/v1/botPartners' \ -header 'x-access-token: {ADD_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}' \

Partners Registration Endpoint

Use this endpoint to send information about tokens.
curl --location --request POST 'https://partners.flooz.xyz/v1/botPartners' \ -header 'x-access-token: {ADD_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}' \

Request Body

For detailed documentation on request and response bodies, visit our Swagger documentation over at Flooz Partners API. Below is a summary of the parameters accepted:

Channel Id (required)This is a string that uniquely identifies the Telegram channel of the token team. Example: -1001234567890
Address (required)This string represents the token’s address and must be a valid EVM-compatible address. Example: 0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84
Network (required)Specify the network on which the token resides. Accepted values are: eth, bsc, polygon, base, arbitrum, optimism, avalanche, zksync, canto, blast, cronos, gnosis, and fantom
Buy Emoji (optional)This is a string representing the token teams chosen buy emoji. Example: 🍌🍌
Custom Emoji (optional)Provide the community’s custom emoji in the format: {”id”:”id”, “text”:”text”} if it exists. ID: Custom emoji ID. Text: the emoji to be shown instead of the custom emoji in places where a custom emoji cannot be displayed. Example: {"id": "5213235710521254448", "text": "🐈‍⬛"}
Logo (optional)The link to the token logo. Example: Flooz Logo
Buy Alert Banner (optional)The link to the token buy alert media (gif, image, video). Flooz Logo
Primary Color (optional)Specify the token teams primary color using a valid hexadecimal value. Example: #4376f3
Theme (optional)Specify the token teams theme. Accepted values are: light and dark
Links (optional)Provide the tokens social links as a key-value object, where both keys and values are strings. Example: {"flooz": "https://flooz.com"}. To show the social icons, please make sure to send the following: For Website: {"website": "https://flooz.com"}. For X/Twitter: {"twitter": "https://flooz.com"}. For Telegram: {"telegram": "https://flooz.com"}. Coinmarketcap: {"coinmarketcap": "https://flooz.com"}. Coingecko: {"coingecko": "https://flooz.com"}
Circulating Supply (optional)Enter the tokens self-reported circulating supply as a string. Example: 1234321

Standard Responses

201The request has been successfully submitted. The response contains a hash which you can keep as the ID of the stored information.
400Bad request. The request body is invalid. Please check that the request’s body contains the correct and expected information defined in our docs.
401Unauthorized. The endpoint requires a “x-access-token” header.
404Not found. The path of the requested resource could not be found. Please check that the URL path is correct.

Token Assets Endpoint

Use this endpoint to send the token logo and buy alert banner as files.
curl -X 'POST' \ 'https://partners.flooz.xyz/v1/assets/upload/{channelId}/{network}/{address}' \ -H 'x-access-token: {ADD_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}' \

Required Parameters

For detailed documentation on request and response bodies, visit our Swagger documentation at Flooz Partners API. Below is a summary of the parameters accepted:

Channel Id (required)This is a string that uniquely identifies the Telegram channel of the token team. Example: -1001234567890
Address (required)This string represents the token’s address and must be a valid EVM-compatible address. Example: 0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84
Network (required)Specify the network on which the token resides. Accepted values are: eth, bsc, polygon, base, arbitrum, optimism, avalanche, zksync, canto, blast, cronos, gnosis, and fantom

Request Body

Logo (optional)The token team logo file.
Buy Alert Banner (optional)The token team buy alert media file.

Standard Responses

201The request has been successfully submitted. The response contains a hash which you can keep as the ID of the stored information.
400Bad request. The request body is invalid. Please check that the request’s body contains the correct and expected information defined in our docs.
401Unauthorized. The endpoint requires a “x-access-token” header.
404Not found. The path of the requested resource could not be found. Please check that the URL path is correct.

Attribution Process

After a community registers with your bot, you have to transfer the necessary data to Flooz via API for the Hub Page creation.

Hub Pages are accessible at: https://flooz.xyz/hub/${CHANNEL-ID}?partnerId=${YOUR-PARTNER-ID}. For instance, https://flooz.xyz/hub/-1001234567890?partnerId=flooz

You will receive your unique partner ID upon integration.

Following the creation of a token teams Hub Page, incorporate the Hub Page URL and a Configure: Verified Links Page button into the setup process. This button alerts users that branding configurations can be managed through the Iris Telegram Bot by Flooz. Clicking the Configure: Verified Links Page button directs users to Iris via an attribution link.

The link structure is https://t.me/iris_flooz_bot?start=${YOUR-PARTNER-ID}${THE-CHANNEL-ID} e.g. https://t.me/iris_flooz_bot?start=flooz-1002015815747. Users can then add Iris to their group to tailor their Hub Page.