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Flooz is available to both Token Teams and Traders, offering you the most native trading experience across web and Telegram with over 250k active traders and over 100K communities with 1,5m daily alerts.

Flooz ecosystem

Flooz is a user-centric trading and data services platform founded in 2021. Our ecosystem comprises of the following services:

  • the Flooz trading platform is decentralised, non-custodial, and user-friendly.
  • Iris: Our free-to-use Telegram bot combines every token project’s favourite services into one single interface. Iris is also used to power and promote the Verified Link Pages, Airdrops, and User Ranks.
  • Embedded Swap & On-ramp Widget: For projects wanting to offer trading services on their website.
  • APIs for Developers: Flooz provides a free-to-use API service, enabling projects to utilise our data and services including Verified Link Pages, Airdrops, Buy & Swap Links, and User Ranks.